
Company information according to Art.42 law 88/2009

The registered office of the Az. Gloria Federica is in Via Torre Caracciolo 19 bis - Marano di Napoli (NA)

The company is registered in the Company Register of Naples

The company's registration number in the Company Register is NA 1084910

VAT number 03207270590 Fiscal Code GLRFRC99H48F839L


The navigation of this website is governed by the conditions of use indicated here.

Users browsing this website are subject to these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

The User who does not agree with the general conditions and methods of use of the website in their entirety or has not understood them, must not proceed with the use of the website

Browsing the website is free, with the exception of telephone costs or other costs necessary for connection to the network, which are charged to the User.

We reserve the right to make even substantial changes to these Terms of Use at any time, informing users by means of publication on this site.

User obligations

"User" means the person who uses the services offered by the website The User browsing this website must ensure that they are up to date with the basic IT security safeguards (e.g. antivirus, firewall, etc.).

The User is required to use this website in compliance with the law, public order, morality and the provisions of these General Conditions.

The user is expressly forbidden:

disseminate unlawful, harassing, defamatory, offensive, threatening, vulgar, obscene material;

transmit material that encourages conduct contrary to current regulations, codes of conduct or the like;

gain unauthorized access to other computer networks, interfere with the use of the sites by third parties, violate any law or regulation concerning the use of public telecommunications networks;

interfere with or in any way damage or limit networks or websites connected to or connected to the sites;

make, transmit or archive electronic copies of material owned by the Owner of the Service, without authorization;

Social Networks

The User registered on Social Networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube) who shares comments, tweets or photographs on the Mr LED Shop Social pages accepts that such messages / uploads are also shared on this website.

In any case, uploads of files / links / images / messages etc. must comply with the prohibition of the use of harassing, threatening, defamatory, offensive, obscene, reprehensible expressions.

By uploading the aforementioned contents, the User assumes all responsibility for the content contained therein.

Obligations, service guarantees and disclaimers

Mr LED Shop undertakes to provide the User with the usability of this website and the services offered therein, as well as the communication tools (eg Social) connected to them, taking care of their implementation compatibly with the current state of evolution of IT tools .

The services provided do not include the supply of a computer or other equipment necessary to access the Site. The Internet connection is charged to the User.

The site is made available without the release of any specific guarantee or license and the User who uses it assumes all the risks associated with the use of the Internet and computer applications (hardware and software).

Mr LED Shop is therefore not liable for any damages and/or losses and/or malfunctions and/or prejudices of any kind, which may derive from the User's computer from the use of the service provided by the same, nor for any contamination of the system deriving from access, interconnection, downloading of material and computer programs from the site (e.g. any viruses or malevolent codes); therefore the related repair/restoration costs must be understood as borne by the User.

In particular, Mr LED Shop declines all responsibility for:

incompatibility of the website with the equipment, software and telecommunications connections available to the User;

technical problems including site errors or interruptions;

attacks suffered by the User while browsing (for example, viruses, malware)

damage to computer equipment/software that the User uses for navigation.

Mr LED Shop also reserves the right to modify, add/or delete parts of the website, without prior notice, as well as the right to suspend publication temporarily or indefinitely, in whole or in part.

Mr LED Shop is not responsible for any use of this website and the services offered therein made by the User or by third parties in violation of the law, morality or public order, or in breach of the provisions of these conditions of use.

Mr LED Shop has the right to use links to Third Party Websites to make the services offered to Users usable; however, Mr LED Shop does not exercise any control over the links to these websites and their content and is not responsible for the contents - possibly illegal - of such directly or indirectly connected sites.

Only the operator of the page to which the link refers is responsible for any illegal, incorrect or incomplete content of this page and, in particular, for any damage deriving from the use, or non-use of the information contained therein. On the contrary, there is no responsibility of Mr LED Shop which limits itself to inserting a link to another site on its site.

Access to the Site may be subject to temporary interruptions due to repairs, maintenance or the addition of new tools and services. It will be the responsibility of Mr LED Shop to restore the service as quickly as possible.

Industrial and intellectual property rights

This website is protected by current legislation in Italy regarding industrial property and copyright.

All content on the website, such as - by way of example and not exclusively - texts, images, graphics, icons, logos, brands, digital downloads, data collections, software, videos, data sheets are the exclusive property of Mr LED Shop or of partners or third parties who have authorized Mr LED Shop to use them.

The use of this website does not provide for the granting of licenses or authorizations for the use of the contents present on the site such as (a list is provided as an example but not exclusive) graphics, icons, logos, images, digital downloads, data collections, software, videos, datasheets.

It is forbidden for the User to copy, publish, disseminate, transmit, save, duplicate, reproduce, forward and/or otherwise make available what is published on the website, except in cases where this is expressly provided for on the site.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The law applicable to relationships arising from the use of this website and from the use of the services offered is Italian law. The general conditions of use indicated here must be interpreted in the light of and in compliance with the current regulations of the Italian legal system.

Final provisions

These legal notes are an integral part of the site in which they are located. Any total or partial nullity or invalidity of individual parts of these legal notes will not deprive the remaining parts of the same legal notes of validity or effectiveness.

For anything not expressly indicated in these legal notes, please refer to the provisions of the Civil Code and the regulations in force on the national territory, including the regulations and any other act having regulatory force.